The South Downs National Park covers an area of 1,600 km2 offering a landscape that is both varied and breathtaking. These spaces include: Green rolling pastures, open spaces, ancient woodlands and river valleys. While busy towns and traditional villages that are rich in history offer lots of opportunities for cultural understanding and activity.
The South Downs is a living, working place that has changed over several thousand years of relationships between people and the places they live and work in, and this is still the case today.
The chalk hills made this area of England good to farm and therefore attracted settlers. Almost every stage of the British human history can be seen in the way the land has been developed and changed. The type of land and natural resources of the National Park have influenced the patterns of agriculture, settlement, industry and culture. The places we now see as special are the result of these interactions between people and the places they live and work in.
Fantastic opportunities exist for you to enjoy the area’s special qualities through the rights of way network. The extraordinary South Downs Way offers a real opportunity to escape the hustle of everyday life. Along this 160 kilometre National Trail, you can walk through ancient woodlands, carpeted with bluebells; watch roe deer darting through wildflower meadows; witness hares boxing or even spot a red kite hunting above.
We all have a shared responsibility to care for the National Park and the South Downs National Park Authority works closely in partnership with local communities, conservation organisations, volunteers, local authorities, businesses and farmers.
You can play your part too by learning more about the landscape, wildlife, cultural heritage, farmers and farm animals.
Resources Toolbox
General Interest
All Ages
Buildings in the Landscape of the South Downs
This presentation provides an introduction to the historic buildings of the South Downs National Park and is particularly useful to schools participating in this year’s annual schools art exhibition, Our Place, setting the context of building materials, chronology and type. -
Chalk Grassland
Introducing chalk grasslands - the European equivalent of tropical rainforests. Covers what they are, where they are found, how they were formed and why its important to look after them. Also looks at what is being done locally in the South Downs to conserve and improve them for the future. -
History of National Parks in the UK - Key points timeline
National Parks were designated in order to protect beautiful areas for the nation. The key points are highlighted in this timeline. -
Images of the Seven Special Qualities
A sheet of eight images for each of the seven special qualities. Useful for illustrating topics, exploring whether the special qualities overlap, and promoting discussion about what is special to you in the South Downs. -
National Parks England - Wildlife Wonders
National Parks provide valuable spaces for nature on a large scale, with special protection for wildlife. Map and infographic of the wildlife highlights in England's National Parks. -
Running Game - Find the Facts
Get students active while discovering key facts about the South Downs National Park. -
SDNP A Dark Skies Reserve in the making
A summary of the short term plan for 2013: finding out how dark the skies are in the National Park. -
SDNP Visitor Survey 2011-12
The full technical report of the South Downs Visitor Survey 2011-2012 providing facts, figure and data sources. -
South Downs National Park Interactive Map
This interactive pdf allows you to display a variety of map layers: transport, rivers & coast, settlements, landscape types, contours, historical features, population and geology. Download and open in Adobe Reader to turn layers on and off. -
South Downs National Park Interactive Map - legend
This is the legend for the interactive pdf that allows you to display a variety of map layers. -
The Seven Special Landscapes
The underlying geology of the South Downs influences land form, land use and wildlife, creating places of distinctive character and identity. Discover the seven special landscapes and their key features.
Key Stage 2
Ages 7–11
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Droxford Juniors precious places SOW
Scheme of work on the South Downs National Park 2012. -
Running Game - Find the Facts
Get students active while discovering key facts about the South Downs National Park. -
South Downs National Park: Education Pack 12 Key Images
12 key images to accompany the Education Pack Booklet. Explore the enquiry question ‘Why is the South Downs National Park a special place?’
Key Stage 3
Ages 11–14
Years 7, 8 and 9
Chalk Grassland
Introducing chalk grasslands - the European equivalent of tropical rainforests. Covers what they are, where they are found, how they were formed and why its important to look after them. Also looks at what is being done locally in the South Downs to conserve and improve them for the future. -
Running Game - Find the Facts
Get students active while discovering key facts about the South Downs National Park. -
South Downs National Park: Education Pack 12 Key Images
12 key images to accompany the Education Pack Booklet. Explore the enquiry question ‘Why is the South Downs National Park a special place?’ -
South Downs National Park: Education Pack Booklet
A booklet containing general information and lesson ideas for using the South Downs National Park. Explore the enquiry question ‘Why is the South Downs National Park a special place?’ -
South Downs National Park: Education Pack Worksheets
Seven pupil activity sheets to accompany the Education Pack Booklet. Explore the enquiry question ‘Why is the South Downs National Park a special place?’
Key Stage 4
Ages 14–16
Years 10 and 11
Chalk Grassland
Introducing chalk grasslands - the European equivalent of tropical rainforests. Covers what they are, where they are found, how they were formed and why its important to look after them. Also looks at what is being done locally in the South Downs to conserve and improve them for the future. -
Running Game - Find the Facts
Get students active while discovering key facts about the South Downs National Park. -
SDNP Visitor Survey 2011-12
The full technical report of the South Downs Visitor Survey 2011-2012 providing facts, figure and data sources.
Key Stage 5
Ages 16–18
Years 12 and 13
Chalk Grassland
Introducing chalk grasslands - the European equivalent of tropical rainforests. Covers what they are, where they are found, how they were formed and why its important to look after them. Also looks at what is being done locally in the South Downs to conserve and improve them for the future. -
SDNP Visitor Survey 2011-12
The full technical report of the South Downs Visitor Survey 2011-2012 providing facts, figure and data sources.
Higher and Further Education