While we are being asked to stay indoors, we believe the South Downs National Park still has an important role to play in supporting the health and well-being of the nation. Our National Parks were created to provide breathing spaces for all of us. Staying connected with nature and the countryside is important, even if we have to find new and creative ways to do so. Whilst we may be inside, the outside is still there. Here are a few ways your school and its community could keep in touch with all things wild and outdoors…
Greenery makes us happy – get your daily fix of outdoorsy goodness by following us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. We’ll be posting images, videos and beautiful stuff to help you keep in touch with our wild places.
Our YouTube channel is packed full of videos about wildlife, habitats, farming, history and adventures. Find out about the rangers who work for different organisations across the Park, and many more nature treats.
- Our YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/sdnpa
- Your National Park: Paul Gorringe, Brighton & Hove City Parks Ranger – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E56N1S4mXOY
- Otter mother and two cubs – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNL3Cftv3YA
Take notice – one of the five ways to well-being. Look out your window and be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Check out Wildlife Trust webcams for views from across the UK https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/webcams
South Downs Activities to do at home
- Join Children’s Art Week with Selborne artist Michelle Puddy, hosted online by The Gilbert White Field Studies Centre, starts 29 June 2020, gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk/childrens-art-week/
- Enter the 2020/21 South Downs Photo Competition, this year’s theme of ‘My Tranquil Heaven’ has two categories for budding young photographers, 10 years and under and 11 to 17, southdowns.gov.uk/enter-the-south-downs-photo-competition/
- Clean-up and Create Art Competition, aims to raise awareness of the problems and solutions of littering, open to schools, uniform groups and individuals, 16 top prizes of £150 to be won, southdownstrust.org.uk/clean-up
- Discover South Downs Generations, an exciting history project in the South Downs that is capturing life in and around the schools of the South Downs in the early 1900’s, southdownsgenerations.org.uk
- The Fish, the Goatsucker and the Highwayman. The magic, mystery and myths of South Downs heathlands have been brought to life in this fun new e-book that explores the history of this unique landscape
- The City Nature Challenge with the Brighton & Lewes Downs Biosphere is going ahead from home, record how much wildlife you see from 24-27 April, www.nature2020.org.uk/city-nature-challenge
- Discover the naturalist, Gilbert White who explored the natural world from his home in Hampshire, go on a virtual tour or enjoy downloadable literacy packs for KS1 and KS2 and more, www.gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk/downloads/
- More to come …
Print at home
- Mindful Museum Colouring from the Weald and Downland Living Museum, find out more about the museum here and download the colouring sheets here
- Chalk Grassland Colouring Sheets are full of super species that can be found on the South Downs, learn about chalk grassland here and download the colouring sheets here
- Heathland Colouring Sheets were created to celebrate a sculpture trail inspired by our heathland communities and stories, learn about heathlands here and download the colouring sheets here
- More to come …
Activities from across the counties, country, continent and world
- Anti-trespassing competition for 11-18 year olds, submit a movie, storyboard, script or song to be in with a chance of winning a Go-Pro bundle worth £350, downtheline.org.uk/backtrack
- Water for life from Southern Water is full of fun activities, including anagrams, garden treasure hunts and a toilet quiz! southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life
- Arts Award from Home with Glyndebourne Opera House, accredited by Trinity College London, get support from an advisor, online resources and worksheets, glyndebourne.com/arts-award
- Cycling, Walking and Scooting-themed fun – Outside In from Sustrans is full of videos, games and weekly challenges for the whole family, sustrans.org.uk/outside-in
- The #WildTimeChallenge is a weekly series of ideas to keep you and your family connected to nature during these not so outdoor friendly times, instagram.com/explore/tags/wildtimechallenge/
- Fieldwork Live from the Field Studies Council is a fantastic range of broadcasts for all ages to develop geographic and scientific enquiry skills, encounteredu.com/live-lessons/fsc-fieldworklive-2020
- Geography from home from the Geographical Association is full of activities to inspire geographical investigations around the home, geography.org.uk/geography-from-home
- Games, word-searches and activities from Butterfly Conservation will help you learn all about butterflies, including those found across the National Park, butterfly-conservation.org/our-work/education/family-fun-from-home/family-fun-free-downloads
- Activity sheets from the Sussex Wildlife Trust will help you maintain a connection with the natural world, ideas for indoors and outdoors, sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk/discover/go-wild-at-home/activity-sheets
- Tree tools for schools from the Woodland Trust has some fun, interactive games. Test your ID skills and learn how we use trees to make tables, houses, bowls and musical instruments, treetoolsforschools.org.uk/
- WWF’s #LearnToLoveNature hub is packed full of fun activities and ideas for pupils and families to explore our world from home, wwf.org.uk/updates/learn-love-nature