What is the Our South Downs Network?
It is a network of around 150 learning providers, particularly those set in the outdoors, who deliver a range of learning outside the classroom experiences relevant to the South Downs National Park and its special qualities.
The Network’s purpose is to:-
- Share ideas and best practice
- Connect people to build strong partnerships and create bespoke learning packages
- Support personal development
The South Downs National Park Education Team leads the Network in using the opportunities and resources of the National Park. We support providers to deliver key messages; help with resources to teach about the National Park; showcase best practice and good ideas through the Learning Zone; and offer marketing opportunities through the Learning Map and Termly Teachers’ Newsletter.
Network meetings and schools’ conference…
Members of the network are invited to join our network meetings and schools’ conference:
Network meetings take place once a year; usually in the Autumn Term and are held at more than one location across the Park, in order to accommodate the geographical spread of the providers. The meetings provide a face-to-face opportunity to work towards the purposes listed above. We keep in touch with the Network throughout the year through our Termly Providers’ Newsletter.
Our South Downs Schools’ Conference takes place in Spring and is an opportunity for schools to discover learning opportunities in the South Downs National Park and the variety of experiences on offer from the providers. Providers support the conference by running workshops for delegates.
How to join?
Any education professionals are welcome to join the Our South Downs Network. If you are based in the South Downs National Park and deliver education outside the classroom, outdoors, in a museum, etc. OR if you are based near the Park and deliver sessions that focus on the special qualities of the South Downs National Park, please subscribe to the Termly Newsletter and join the Learning Map. Instructions to join the map can be found here.
If you have any other questions about the Network, please contact us directly.