A booklet containing general information and lesson ideas for using the South Downs National Park. Explore the enquiry question ‘Why is the South Downs National Park a special place?’
Jargon Buster
Dip slope – The scarp and dip slopes make up the South Downs Ridge. The scarp slope is steeper and the dip slope is more gentle
Key Messages
The South Downs National Park Authority does not own or manage any land
Photo Album
Read the State of the National Park Report, Published in 2012 by the South Downs National Park Authority.
People of the Park
Outdoor Education, PE & DofE Service
Outdoor Education, PE & DofE Service
Supporting schools and groups working with children and young people across Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and West Berkshire, providing advice, guidance and approval for off-site and adventurous activities and promoting outdoor learning.
01962 876218
Martin Tomlinson
Outdoor Education Adviser
Outdoor Education Adviser
Supporting schools and groups working with children and young people across West Sussex, providing advice, guidance and approval for off-site and adventurous activities and promoting outdoor learning
0330 222 8344