About the National Park

National Parks are areas of protected countryside that everyone can visit. They are also places where people live, work and shape the landscape.

There are 15 National Parks in Britain: 10 in England, 3 in Wales and 2 in Scotland. The governing body that runs the Park is called the Authority. There are responsibilities that come with being a National Park. These include:

  • To conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage
  • To help the public understand and enjoy the special qualities of the area

As well as looking after the landscape of the Park the authority has a duty to help improve the quality of life and well-being of local communities and businesses in the Park.

The South Downs National Park was established in 2009 and the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) assumed its full powers and duties from April 2011.

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General Interest

All Ages