The underlying geology of the South Downs influences land form, land use and wildlife, creating places of distinctive character and identity. Discover the seven special landscapes and their key features.
Jargon Buster
Greensand – a type of sandstone rock that has a greenish colour
Key Messages
The geology of the South Downs National Park is not just chalk, it also includes greensands and clays
Field Guides
You can purchase a Serpent Trail field guide from the Field Studies Council website.
Photo Album
Read the State of the National Park Report, Published in 2012 by the South Downs National Park Authority.
How rivers work: explaining the important role that groundwater plays in the environment.
SNPR - South Downs Habitats
SNPR - Special Places
SNPR - South Downs National Park
SNPR - Geology
SNPR - Landscape Character
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Visit the Bee Scene website.
Prof. Rory Mortimore explains about the importance of chalk in: the formation of the South Downs, early settlement, farming and drinking water…