Over the last 6000 years the South Downs landscape has been intensively used and densely populated. Classic Iron Age hill fort sites include Cissbury Ring, Chanctonbury and Old Winchester Hill. Later sites include Bignor Roman Villa and medieval Lewes Priory.
There are hundreds of Scheduled Monuments and thousands of undesignated heritage assets across the landscape. Recently surveys by English Heritage revealed a rich and complex landscape of prehistoric, Roman and medieval field systems, within the Hampshire part of the South Downs and in Sussex near Worthing and near Plumpton.
We still have a lot to find out and using archaeological surveys such as geophysics can help us make discoveries without damaging the remains. There is still more to be discovered, particularly amongst the densely wooded landscape from Queen Elizabeth Country Park (near Petersfield) to Arundel. . New technology can help us record features through even the thickest of tree cover.
There is still more to be discovered, particularly amongst the densely wooded landscape north of Chichester and within the Low Weald. New technology can help us record features through even the thickest of tree cover.
Resources Toolbox
Key Stage 1
Ages 5–7
Years 1 and 2